Click Consult ranked 7th in new Media Agency category in the latest Independent Agencies Census from The Drum

Jul 29th, 2016

Analysed separately for their ‘unique income profile’, media agencies perform at high levels in both turnover and client satisfaction according to The Drum’s Independent Agency Census

Click Consult has been a regular fixture in The Drum’s Censuses for some years now, though this year sees it feature in a group analysed separately due to a ‘unique income profile’. With this step up in category comes a new level of competition for places, yet Click has still excelled.

In a step that cements Click Consult’s position as one of the top performing search marketing agencies in the country, this latest census places Click Consult at position 29 of the 33 selected to feature in the Media section for turnover, while it comes in at position 7 for client rankings – above all but one of the top ten agencies in the turnover ratings.

CEO and Founder, Matt Bullas stated:

With 2016 shaping up to be one of Click Consult’s most successful years for client satisfaction, retention and fees as well as award nominations and wins, it is fantastic to see us regularly appearing at the top end of such prestigious rankings – especially for client rankings. There can be few better indications of agency performance than the happiness of the brands it represents.

The Drum’s Independent Agency Census is compiled exhaustively from a wide range of company information and client testimonials and this year features 180 agencies from across the UK. To read more about the census, visit The Drum.

To find out what a difference partnering with an industry leader can make to your brand’s search marketing performance, why not contact us today? Alternatively, for more information on the practice of SEO, PPC, CRO and Content Marketing, visit our extensive selection of resources.

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