10 questions brands should be asking their agencies during the pandemic

Oct 14th, 2020

With further lockdowns now in place, and the impact of the pandemic likely to be felt throughout the next year, here are some questions you need to be asking your digital marketing providers

Digital marketing has grown in importance since the beginning of the pandemic and it’s likely to become more so as local and national lockdowns continue – but even after once the pandemic is behind us, there is a good chance the way we shop for goods and services has changed forever – so we’ve created a list of questions to ask your agencies to make sure you’re having the right conversations for the future.

Questions for your SEO service providers

Has our Google My Business page been updated to reflect new operating hours or terms of service and are we ready to make changes quickly in response to future changes?

Has the our site been audited to ensure it is coping with changes to traffic and search intent from users during lockdown?

Have our keywords and content been reviewed to ensure that we are targeting the best keywords to reflect any changes in search patterns?

How have our sources of traffic changed, and how does our site perform on the browsers, devices and in the SERPs that users are using from home rather than the office?

Questions for your paid media service providers

Was our account due any refunds following the lockdown reimbursement to Google Ads users and how has this money been reinvested?

Have our ads been reviewed to reflect currently available products and services?

How have our spend and ad performance changed during lockdown periods and has there been correlation between severity of lockdown and ad performance?

Do we need to add any additional ad extensions, ad groups or keywords to reflect the ongoing situation?

Questions for your social media service providers

How have our engagement figures changed during the various stages of lockdown and are the post schedules still aiming at the right times and audiences?

Has our engaged audience remained the same per platform, or have we noticed changes on specific platforms?

Bonus question

What are our plans for the next lockdown and what has the year taught us that we can use from now on?

For more general questions, you can check out our 10 Questions to Ask Your SEO Agency and PPC Agency infographics. Or contact us today to see what we can do for your brand.

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