New Google Analytics AdWords Treemaps Report

Oct 30th, 2014

In the upcoming weeks Google is rolling out an exciting new feature in Google Analytics, which is designed to provide more visual reporting possibilities for AdWords. If your AdWords account is not yet linked to Analytics, now is a good time to take the step and explore the advantages of additional insight into the performance of your AdWords campaigns

Treemap Reports will allow AdWords users to get a visual insight into the performance of their accounts in an easy and straightforward way. Comparing two chosen metrics, this new report will display data in a way that is very easy to spot performance trends, peaks and troughs at a glance.

The data will be displayed hierarchically using color-coded, nested rectangles. The surface area of each rectangle will represent the volume of the primary metric. The secondary metric will be represented by colours in gradually strengthening shades of green (for good performance) and red (to represent bad performance). More detailed data behind the shape and colour of the rectangle becomes visible once we move the mouse cursor over the field.

This performance snapshot helps to easily identify any potential issues that might need further investigation, as well as potential opportunities hiding within the numerous pages of traditional statistical reports. The report also constitutes a good basis for further analysis and helps establish viable hypotheses for further testing.

Once launched, you will be able to create Treemap Reports in Google Analytics under Acquisition > AdWords > Treemaps.

The Treemap feature allows a choice of combined metrics to prepare an easy to interpret visual report. The metrics that will be available at the initial launch are:

Primary metric



Site usage
Goal Completions

Goal Value
New Users

Secondary metric

CPC (Cost-per-click)
CTR (Click-through-rate)
ROAS (Return-on-ad-spend)
RPC (Revenue-per-click)

Average Order Value
E-commerce Conversion Rate
Per Session Value

Site usage
% New Sessions
Avg. Session Duration
Bounce Rate

Goal Conversion Rate

Treemap Reporting won’t necessarily show us why campaigns are working well or poorly, but it will easily highlight  how and when a campaign’s performance fluctuates. As such, Treemap Reporting will be particularly useful to:

1. Review daily performance in the context of previous days
2. Identify metrics and campaigns that require further analysis to improve overall performance

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