A day in the life of Sharon Boyce, Head of Finance
Oct 31st, 2016Sharon talks to us about finance and feathered friends…
Briefly describe your role
My role as Head of Finance is to ensure that everything finance related for the company is processed and the department is running smoothly.
What does a typical day at Click Consult involve?
This can vary massively depending on what information people require at the spur of a moment! However, usually processing payments and invoices dealing with any queries from suppliers, and liaising with our credit controller
Which other teams do you interact with the most?
I probably interact which each department the same amount really!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The people. I’ve been here a long time (8 years) and I have seen a good bunch of employees come and go and I’ve always enjoyed working with them.
As you’ve recently made the move to Wales, I wondered if you’d learnt to say anything in Welsh yet?
Unfortunately no. I struggle to speak English at the best of times and that’s the only language I speak… adding Welsh to the mix would be asking for disaster
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A penguin of course – they’re my favourite animal! They are the most social birds and often stay in groups which I like because I have a big family and always like to be close to them. Plus they’re only little and being diddy myself I’m guessing I would fit in.
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