Since 2018, Google has been consistently increasing the importance of helpful content in organic search – not just for Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) sectors, but across the board. Over the last few years, Helpful Content Updates to Google’s algorithms have focused on refining the E-E-A-T matrix which are used to assess how useful your content is for users. E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness, and it is by these qualities that ‘helpfulness’ is measured.

Here at Click Consult, we’ve developed a specific service to target these helpful content signals. While all of our content is designed to serve users well, content relating directly to products and services tends to be more brand-centred in nature. Our user focused content (UFC), on the other hand, is researched and written with consumer queries and concerns in mind, marking a reversal of priorities as the brand takes a back seat.

As a result, user focused content can improve your brand’s ability to satisfy E-E-A-T criteria, increasing your authority within your industry and positioning the brand as a thought leader. This can generate traffic from users looking to research relevant areas to your business, targeting areas commercial content typically misses. With a well-prepared approach, user focused content can improve rankings across the board and boost conversions through your website.

answer the public chart showing relevant queries for content

Beginning with an extensive research phase which uses multiple tools to drill down into what your target consumers are looking for – not for commercial terms, but for information that will help them to make choices and which will build trust and the perception of subject authority. These questions fall into the ‘who, what, when, where, why’ kind of query (among others) and are often indicative of a problem or concern that customers need information to resolve – making them excellent queries to answer to build trust and authority while developing relationships.

The image on the right, for example, is a series of questions about content specifically generated by tool Answer the Public; this is used, in addition to tools such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics, SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs and more to build a picture of what consumers are searching for, how often and what we can do to help. This is also done at the beginning of each strategy phase to ensure we are learning all we can from changes due to seasonality and other shifts in consumer behaviour.

Content brief

Once the extensive research phase has been completed, we then create a content brief based on one or a selection of the key questions we have discovered. This brief aims to define the content titles we propose to write, as well as any subheadings, internal links and other topics that we would need to cover in order to properly address the queries and deliver the best results for brand and consumer. The brief also includes additional information - such as the proposed word count.

Content creation

In addition to creating the content in line with the brief, we also optimise the content for on-page SEO and include relevant, high quality images with alt text, a fully optimised meta title and description, and a suggested URL that will show where we want the content to sit on the site.

User focused content mostly serves the needs of your consumers. However, this information rich content will also improve a website’s performance in search. It improves a site’s industry relevance and authority, and consequently can also:

Our user focused content team is made up of excellent writers and we have full confidence in their ability as creatives, not just as content producers. As such, we are always impressed with the work produced and the results it achieves. It’s always incredible to see how brands and consumers react to their work and the resultant impact on performance.

Organic search, commonly referred to as search engine optimisation (SEO), employs a combination of creative and technical skills to improve the visibility of a website for commercially important key terms. In doing so, the aim is to increase the number of consumers exposed to a brand at vital points in the consumer journey, to increase traffic to the website and, therefore, increase consumer awareness and the number of commercial actions (purchases, downloads, contact form submissions etc).

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