

Who stole the third party cookies from the cookie jar?

We recently launched issue 11 of our Benchmark search magazine, it’s full of quality insights from our industry experts. We...

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This month in SEO [June 2020]

As the lock down starts to ease it is important to evaluate the positives that have been seen online through...

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This month in SEO [May 2020]

As the lock down starts to ease it is important to evaluate the positives that have been seen online through...

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Google’s May 2020 Core Update: What it means for you

Earlier this week, Google announced the roll-out of a Core Update: the second core update of 2020. What does this...

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This month in SEO [April 2020]

As we reach the end of April, and the 6th week of lock down, it is important to take stock...

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Google Announces Rater Guidelines Update

On Thursday, 16th May, Google advised the SEO community that it had updated its Google Rater Guidelines, which is the...

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Key takeaways from Pubcon 2019

While we were unable to make it to the conference, we monitored the Pubcon hashtag with interest – and were...

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