Click Consult reviews top 10 resources
Jun 7th, 2016While reviewing download numbers as part of the standard asset production strategy, it came to our attention that our top ten resources recently passed the 2,000 download milestone for the last 12 months. For that reason we thought we’d give our audience another chance to download these most popular resources
It’s always nice to hear that our resources are helping individuals and brands to reach their goals and the personal messages we receive are always highlights, but equally to see the building trust in our materials indicated by a steadily growing audience (many of whom download multiple assets) is a great confidence boost for those of us at Click Consult that write and research the assets – and to those that design the final versions. The following list are those that have proven to be the most popular over the last year – we hope you enjoy reading any you’ve missed.
Social Media Cheat Sheet
A fairly comprehensive collection of cheat sheets covering Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram, this resource is packed with social wisdom – the perfect at-a-glance guide, whether you’re a Pinterest pro or a LinkedIn learner.
Technical On-Page Optimisation Cheat Sheet
Technical on-page optimisation is certainly one of the most intimidating elements of SEO to tackle alone – especially as a beginner, dealing with coding and content to deliver the best possible results – this curated series of cheat sheets gives you all you need to know about the subject in easy to digest pieces.
SEO Checklist
Search engine optimisation (SEO) takes a lot of hard work and experience to get right – after all, if it were easy there would be no benefit to practicing it, this checklist gives you a resource that helps ensure you haft left no stone unturned in your quest for search success.
Google’s Algorithm Timeline
We’re experts in search. Simple. Yet we want you to be too. With this beginner’s guide, we offer all you need to know about Google’s main algorithm changes to date. It’s easier to avoid penalties, after all, than to have them removed.
Social Media Toolkit
Click Consult has always been social. In its thirteen years it has seen social platforms come and go, and has been there to watch the development of the key mediums, always learning, always measuring, always changing. We’re experts. Now you can be too with this comprehensive social toolkit.
A Simple Guide to Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
If CRO isn’t integrated into your online marketing strategy, it’s likely that you’re leaving money on the table. Find out how to make the most of your website and boost conversion with this excellent eBook.
Success with Social Sharing
An eBook gets to the heart of how a brand should share content across various social media platforms in order to get maximum engagement for your brand. With all major platforms covered, this is a one stop shop for an aspiring social media marketer.
PPC Toolkit
Click Consult has been beating expectations for our industry leading clients for over thirteen years, but we want to raise the bar for the industry. This is why we can offer in-depth, insightful eBooks, cheat sheets and infographics, and why we bring you a PPC Toolkit full of useful information.
A Marketer’s Guide to Facebook
Facebook is the most popular and also the most frequently used social media platform, and it has been for some time. Yet, despite this continued popularity, it can prove to be quite a test for even the most experienced of marketing professionals – but not any more, thanks to this eBook.
SEO Toolkit
A number of fantastically useful tools and resources, with something to offer search marketing practitioners of any experience. The SEO toolkit will offer fresh insights for the experienced and all a newcomer needs to know.
We take great pride in the production of our range of eBooks, cheat sheets and infographics and even more from the fact that they have helped so many people get the most out of their search marketing efforts. For more on any search marketing subject, check out our resources page – or alternatively, contact us today to see what we can do for your brand.