One month at Click – Sian Badich

Mar 21st, 2023

It’s been a while since we did a “one month at Click” post, so to appease the one month Gods – here’s a small interview with Sian Badich, our new Senior Marketing Executive!

Starting a new role can be scary, daunting, exciting, a mixture of all three and adjectives not listed. We do our best to welcome new starters, but what do they think? Read on to find out more…

Hey! I’m Sian and I’ve just joined Click as a Senior Marketing Executive. I’m an experienced marketer, bookworm, and storyteller; when I’m not being a mama bear to my baby girl, I’ve usually got my head in a fantasy book – or doing a bit of writing myself (a life goal of mine is to be a published author before I’m 30).

I’m a lover of all things nature – and I enjoy spending my weekends in the summer hiking with my family, or travelling to far off places to chase the sunshine!

I have always worked for small close-knit companies, and Click seemed that way too!

Yes, it does have that small company, ‘family’ type vibe – but with all the hard work, professionalism, and determination of a big corporation. My colleagues have quickly become my friends, and I look forward to days in the office for some team working and collaboration.

I love writing! Coming from a content based role previously, I thought I would be doing a lot less writing as my role shifted to one that cast a wider net over different elements of marketing…but I am still writing just as much as I was before! The role definitely involves more creativity than I thought it was going to, and I love being able to see all my big ideas put in action!

If I was a superhero I would control the elements (air, earth, fire & water). As I mentioned, I am a lover of nature and so I would love to be able to alter, and shape the world around me. There are also levels to elemental powers that mean you could achieve far more than the average superhero (yes I have thought about this a lot); with control over the air you could learn how to fly; with control over the earth you could create life and never go hungry; with control over fire you could create heat for warmth; with control over water you would never go thirsty. And that is just the beginning of what you could do with that kind of power…

My superhero name? Elementra (but my friends would call me ‘Ellie’ for short).

You've heard it from Sian, now come and see for yourself!

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