
Google AdWords announces 10+ new features

Google AdWords Announces 10+ New Features

10+ new AdWords products, features, and research studies will be released, Google announced today. The new features, which the search...

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Click Consult Claire House Pay for a Day

Click Consult pay for a day of care at Claire House

If you cast your mind back to February this year, you might remember our blog post about how we baked,...

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8 cool things you can do on Google

I love geeks. I particularly love the ones over at Google (who we’re partnered with, by the way). Not only...

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Google plans to apply “Not Provided” to paid search query data

Google plans to apply “Not Provided” to paid search query data

Last night, Google announced further changes to their user security features that currently result in around 80% of organic search...

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Link Building Through Outreach

Our latest e-book is now available for download: Link Building Through Content Marketing

Good news! We’re pleased to announce that our latest e-book, ‘Link Building Through Content Marketing’ is now available for you...

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Google Penalty

A Google Penalty May Find You At Your New Domain

The digital marketing world has been rocked in recent years with the introduction of Google’s manual and algorithmic penalties. Loss...

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Pinterest becomes a retail sales goldmine

Pinterest becomes a retail sales goldmine

After a Pinterest-driven surge in sales within the retail sector, the pinboard-style image sharing site has become a goldmine for...

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Perfect creative brief

The perfect creative brief

The perfect creative brief looks like a Ron Mueck sculpture. It’s hyper detailed. Every possible thought a client may have...

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Retailers, are you making the most of online?

Retailers, are you making the most of online?

Have you bought something online recently or have you used the web to research a product before committing to a...

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click consult part of ceuta group logo

Here comes the science bit: How to write clear content on complex topics

In a recent video, Google’s chief webspam warrior Matt Cutts tackled a question that many content writers, especially those working...

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Gmail rolls out new one-click unsubscribe button

Gmail rolls out new one-click unsubscribe button. What does this mean for e-marketers?

Gmail users can now unsubscribe from unwanted emails in one click, without even leaving the Gmail interface, Google has announced...

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Google takes action on Polish link networks

Google takes action on Polish link networks

As part of Google’s continued effort to crack down on international spam, its Head of Webspam, Matt Cutts has announced...

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CRO changes

CRO: 3 simple website changes to boost online revenue

Looking to improve your website's conversion rates and boost your online revenue? There's one very effective, simple way of going...

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The future’s bright, the future’s inbound

The future’s bright, the future’s inbound

With Click’s very own founder and CEO, Matt Bullas, predicting that inbound marketing will revolutionise the digital industry in 2014...

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