Last month in social media (August)

Sep 2nd, 2019

As we enter into the latter stages of summer, the social media industry is gearing up for the busy period, and along with this comes new updates in terms of design and usability. It wasn’t all positive for August though, with Snapchat causing a bit of an uproar with their new logo design, along with Twitter inadvertently sharing user data with third parties.

Below we take a look at some of the bigger stories coming out of August in the social media industry…

Facebook 3D photos now available on Android

A few months ago, we gave you the news that Facebook is introducing 3D photos to people’s timelines, with users seeing these more and more when it comes to sharing photography in innovative ways. At first, it was only available to a select few users and devices, but it has now announced its introduction to Android and several new iOS devices, such as the iPhone 7+, 8+, X, XS and XS max, meaning more creativity for all. This means anyone can post 3D photos from their camera roll, as opposed to just those with a dual device camera.

There has only been around 70 million 3D photos published to Facebook so far, but these new updates and push from Facebook should see stats increased across the next few months. You need to make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app to be included and that the app has access to view your photos.

Augmented Reality (AR) for all on Instagram

It’s been in a closed beta stage for a while now, but finally Facebook Spark AR platform is set to be available for all on Instagram, allowing people to create and publish their own Spark AR effects.

Originally called Facebook’s Camera Effects Platform, it was renamed to Spark AR and has been accepting applications for the beta stage. To get started, you need to download the Spark AR Studio application or join the community to connect with other creators and get inspired. According to stats, more than 1 million people have already used AR filters on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Portal.

Engagement insights for LinkedIn’s Marketing Partner Program

August brought with it a new category to the LinkedIn Partner Program – Audience Engagement. This allows partners such as Hootsuite and Ogilvy to integrate the API and give their users the opportunity to discover new insights when it comes to engagement on LinkedIn.

So what does it include? Well, it enables customers and clients to discover new audiences, understand the types of content those audiences are engaging with and see how your content is performing against industry benchmarks, therefore making smarter marketing decisions with these insights.

Check out how our social media marketing team can enhance your online visibility, and keep abreast of the latest social media, SEO, PPC and content marketing stories by signing up to our newsletter at the top left hand side of this page.

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